

Strength/Skill Work 12 Minutes:
Split Jerk
2 - 2 - 2 - 2
*Take around 3 minutes per set. You must alternate which foot will be your front foot, with your dominant leg for one rep, and your weaker leg for one rep. Your weaker leg, and the fact that you will have to bring the weight back down on you for your second rep, will be the limiting factor on how much you put overhead today.


For Time:
Max Strict Chest2Bar Pull-ups
800m Run
Max Strict Pull-ups (chin-over)
400m Run
Max Chest2Bar Pull-ups (kip allowed)
200m Run
Max Pull-ups (chin-over/kip allowed)
200m Run

**15 Minute Cut-off**

*If classes are big, we will stagger heats… don't worry, you'll all get to run today. As long as you don't come off of the rig, you may continue whichever set of Pull-ups you're on until you let go, BUT… keep in mind, there is a cut-off; the longer you hang on the bar trying to get that last Pull-up, the faster you'll have to run to make sure you make it!!!


Anonymous said...

103#; 12:10, 26 pull-ups

Unknown said...

70# (not very pretty, though)
11:14; 47 PUs--band across bar and band hanging down from bar for kipping attempts.

Anonymous said...

39 in 12:03


Unknown said...

225# SJ
57 pullups (12, 15, 15, 15); (12:21)