

Mobility 10 Minutes:

Floss Band Calves, Ankles, and Knees
If you have time, Floss anything that is feeling extra tight.


Open Workout 13.2-ish…

As Many Rounds As Possible in 10 Minutes:
5 Shoulder2Overhead
10 Front Squats (95/65)
15 Box Jumps (24/20)

*For the Shoulder2Overhead, you may do Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, or even Split Jerk, it will be your choice. You may Squat Clean for any rep of your Front Squats, as long as the Front Squat standards are met. For the Box Jumps, stepping up WILL be acceptable for this workout, but the same standards apply as would always apply to Box Jumps… you must stand up fully on top of the box, and both feet must return to the floor. You may NOT pogo off of the top of the box, but you may from the floor. If you really want an Open Workout experience, count rounds and reps for one of your fellow members, and have them count for you. :-)


Anonymous said...

6 rounds + 12 reps

Jordan said...

7 rds + 19 reps rxd

Kevin said...

4 rds + 20 reps rx

Unknown said...

5 rds + 2 reps; RX'd

Unknown said...

5 rds + 2 reps; rxd (Emilie--we tied!!)

Vanilla Vice said...

I almost puked!
6 rds plus 9 reps RX!

Anonymous said...

4rnds plus 23 reps @75#
and no step ups

Unknown said...

5 rounds + 7 reps rx

Anonymous said...

Roger 3RDS +22

75 stepups

Unknown said...

3 rounds + 3, Rx

Anonymous said...

4rds + 4 box jumps

dani b. said...

4rds + 18 reps.

Unknown said...

4rds + 20 reps rx

Unknown said...

4 + 19

Megan said...

7 Rds.
Box jumps Rxd

Unknown said...

6 + 4 reps Rxd

Anonymous said...

4 + 29 Rxd

Unknown said...

Dave--I saw you do the box jumps and thought, "Dang, that's excellent work." I jumped the first round then stepped the remaining...I had no spring in my step after the front squats. How in the world did you do it??? AWESOME.

Unknown said...

6 1/3 + 3 front squats