Mobility 10 Minutes:
Shoulder Mobility with a barbell/lacrosse ball/floss bands
Hip Mobility with lacrosse ball/pvc or foam roller
Strength & Skill Work 15 - 20 Minutes (including warmup sets):
Push Jerk or Split Jerk (Pick Your Worst of the 2)
1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
*Start at around 80% of your 1RM for your work sets, and only increase the weight if your last rep was successful, AND your technique was solid. Focus on proper movement, even during your warmup sets. We haven't done enough skill work on the Push Jerk/Split Jerk recently, so today is a great day to get some coaching on any issues with your technique.
Accessory Work:
30 Reps of Ring Rows (make the angle HARD, but doable, or put your feet on a box)
30 Dumbbell Rows (make the weight HARD, but doable)
#135 PR woohoo
235# push jerk
85# push jerk (PR by 15#). Lori and Brittany also did 85# for PRs. Good job! We were across from Jo, Laura and Megan so we had some inspiration!
185# split jerk
10# pr
125# push jerk (7#pr)
Laura - 135# (5# PR)
Tom - 265# (5# PR)
215# split
Missed 230#
119# PR ROCK IT!
YES I counted the SPRINGS!
118# PR push jerk
133# split jerk (PR)
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