

Skill/Fun 10 Minutes:
Handstand Push-ups & Handstand Walking


Games Athletes:
Bike and/or Row for 10 - 15 Minutes at a slow steady pace. You can hop off of one, and onto the other for any combination you like, but get around 10 - 15 Minutes in.
Mobilize anything that's sore, or feels tight. Use the time after your Bike/Row to help unglue any tissue that has been feeling funky, or bugging you.

Non Games Athletes:
Strength 10 Minutes Only
Sumo Deadlift - This is something we don't practice often, but it will be a nice change from doing traditional pulls with the barbell, and will get you outside of your comfort zone… unless your name is Brendan, then you will still be in your comfort zone. :-)

5 - 5 - 5 @ 75 - 80% Only
Warm up quickly, and only take around 2 Minutes of rest between your sets. The 10 Minutes will include your warmup sets, so be smart about your time management, and work up quickly.

Here's your chance to get your name on the board...


50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 Reps of:
Double Unders

**8 Minute Cut-off**

*If you don't have Double Unders, you may do Single Unders, buy you will have to double the rep count.

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