

Games WOD #4:
60 Bar Facing Burpees (Must Do A Two Foot Jump and Land Over The Bar Each Burpee)
30 Overhead Squats (120#/90#)
10 Muscle Ups (Must Turn Out At The Bottom) (Sub = 15 Jumping Ring OR Bar Muscle Ups) 
* As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible In 10 Minutes *

Post Loads and Workout Variation Used Along With Rounds and Reps To Comments

1 comment:

CrossFit Hydro said...

Workout Results:
1. Eldon - Rx'd - 59 Reps (29 OH Squats)
2. Carrie - Rx'd - 46 Reps (16 OH Squats)
3. Dave - 90# - 62 Reps (2 OH Squats)
3. Roger - 90# - 62 Reps (2 OH Squats)
5. Sharon - 45# - 60 Reps
6. Megan - 35# - 90 Reps (30 OH Squats)
7. Lindsey - 35# - 75 Reps (15 OH Squats)
8. Carolyn - 65# - 72 Reps (12 Front Squats)