

Thank You to everyone who turned out for the “Regional MuTaNt” workout yesterday evening. It was a great time, and I think we are sending our folks heading to Regionals off with a bang. Drive safe Regionals group; break a leg Justin. :-)

For Time:

Run 400m
10 Ring Dips
15 Double Unders
8 Ring Dips
15 Double Unders
6 Ring Dips
Run 400m
15 Double Unders
4 Ring Dips
15 Double Unders
2 Ring Dips
15 Double Unders
Run 400m

*The scale for the Ring Dips will be dips done on a box. The scale for Double Unders will be 2-for-1 Single Unders; you’ll do 30 singles between the Ring Dips. And yup… there’s some running tucked away in there. For those of you doing the Warrior Dash, or the Color Run (*hint-hint*) this will be a good day to get into the gym, to get a little bit of extra running in; it’s not a 5k, but it’s something.


Angela said...

Good luck Justin!

Anonymous said...


Becky C