

Snatch Work 20 Minutes (including warm-up sets)

Full Squat Snatch Work Sets
2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1
Start at 75% for you working sets, and move up gradually until you get to your sets of 1. You should be at around 90% by the time you get to your sets of 1, and perform the last three sets of 1 at around 90%. Do NOT max out on this today, the goal is to get some heavy skill work in.


Pick Your Poison
3 Minutes Max Effort

Rope Climbs OR Rowing for calories OR Ring Rows

*You may select which of these three movements you wish to perform, and try to get as many LEGIT reps or calories as you can in 3 Minutes.


Anonymous said...

58 ring rows


Anonymous said...

6 rope climbs


CrossFit Hydro said...

210# Hang Power Snatch for a double!! :)

Never even done 210 for 1 ever on a power catch...

Bk Sq - knee have started to cave too much so going back to band around knee squats so just 300 for 3 today...

Push Jerk... just up to a moderately heavy single... 285

3 minute rope climb AMRAP... 16 rope climbs


Kevin said...

100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 120
12 rope climbs

Unknown said...

45# snatch (still working on technique and today was great to focus on it)
4 3/4 rope climbs

JVB--nice job!

Eldon said...

Nice work on the climbs Kev

Sharon said...

63#, 45 ring rows

Carolyn said...

Ring row 55

Unknown said...

8 RC

Unknown said...

7 RC

Megan said...

80, 85, 90, 95, 95, 95
47 Ring Rows

Unknown said...

65, 75, 85, 90 (miss)
57 ring rows

Darren said...

105, 110, 115, 120, 125, missed 130
6 rope climbs