

Gymnastics Skill Work 10 Minutes:
Pistols - Work on keeping your heel down, and figuring out exactly what issues are limiting your ability to perform these. Issues such as: balance, ankle/hip mobility, strength, and confidence (some of you may be able to do Pistols, but haven't moved past whatever "crutch" you may be using). Keep the volume low, and work on technique.

"Angie"... but segmented.

5 Minutes to Complete: 100 Pull-ups
5 Minutes to Complete: 100 Push-ups
5 Minutes to Complete: 100 Sit-ups
5 Minutes to Complete: 100 Air Squats

**Rep Scaling Options**
75 Reps of each movement
50 Reps of each movement
30 Reps of each movement

*You will have just the 5 minutes to complete each movement, with no breaks between movments. Then you will be forced to move on to the next "segment" of the workout. If you finish the movement in less than 5 minutes, this will be your score for each movement you are able to complete. If you run out of time, your score will be the number of reps completed within the 5 minutes, so pick the amount of reps you think you'll be able to complete, or come close to completing, within the 5 minute periods. You may do your Pull-ups however you like (kip, butterfly, etc...), and you may scale using bands if necessary. Push-ups will be scaled by using the barbells on the rig, so your Push-ups will be done at an incline, if necessary. We will start different groups at different movements to accommodate bigger classes. Sit-ups may be done with an AbMat.


Anonymous said...

25, 55, 95, 100 (4:05)

Unknown said...

100 (4:57), 86, 100 (4:35), 100 (3:08)