

Open Gym / Group Class Workout

I'll start open gym at 5PM today with group class starting at 6:15PM if you're interested in doing the workout below today...

10 Push Ball (Go heavier than the ball you usually use on Wall Ball)
* Men - 20# but an 11' Target / Women - 15-17# Ball to a 10' Target*
10 Kipping / Jumping Pull Ups
(Trying to break 8-10 Minutes, but the cutoff will be 12 minutes)

1 comment:

CrossFit Hydro said...

30 Full Clean and Jerks
- Kevin - Rx'd - 9:17
- Carolyn - 55# (Full Clean + Burpee Between Reps)
- 9:30

10 Push Ball
10 Kipping Pull Ups
10 RDS
- Roger - 20# and Jumping - 12:20
- Lucy - 15# and Kipping - 12:55