

Skill Work 10 - 15 Minutes

Pistol Progressions

Pistol to a box
Pistol with a 5# or 10# plate under your heel
Pistol on top of a box, with your leg down the side, or down the back of the box. Try to hit full depth, and come back up.


Open Workout 11.1

As Many Rounds As Possible in 10 Minutes:

30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches (75/55)

*No Single Unders today, scale the Double Under reps to 20, or 15, if necessary. Keep the Power Snatch weight at 60 - 65% of your 1RM or 75/55, whichever is less.


Megan said...

5 1/2 + 4 snatches

Unknown said...

4 rounds , 55#

Anonymous said...

3rds + 7 snatch. Scaled DU

Wes Heit said...

5 rounds + 1 scaled du to 15

Kevin said...

5 rounds + 2 snatch rx

Unknown said...

4 1/2 rds + 9 snatches @60% (#35). 10 DUs every round...earned 'em 1-2 at a time.

Pistols with 2.5# plate for counter balance.

Anonymous said...

4 + 11 rxd
ALMOST pistols. :(

Unknown said...

3rds + 10 DU (Scaled DU to 15)
Pistol on right leg

Anonymous said...

5rds @65# du 10 per round

Unknown said...

3 + 3 snatches

dani b. said...

4rds @ 53#.