If you manage to get in a little early for class time, spend a few minutes hitting the lacrosse balls, foam rollers, and floss bands on anything that feel tight or sore. That being said… get in a few minutes early!
We're going to give a workout from the Fittest Games a try today.
For Time AND Weight:
5 Pull-ups
5 Front Squats (You decide the load)
10 Pull-ups
4 Front Squats
15 Pull-ups
3 Front Squats
20 Pull-ups
2 Front Squats
25 Pull-ups
1 Front Squat
**10 Minute Cut-off**
*The barbell for the Front Squats must be cleaned from the floor, you may NOT use a rack. You will decide how heavy you go for each round, and you may change weights between rounds. Keep in mind, there are going to be two scores for this workout: Your time to completion, and the Total weight moved. If you do not finish, you won't receive credit for any reps you don't get done, or any weight you don't get moved. Choose wisely… :-)
Post Workout Accessory Work, Not For Time:
75 Med Ball Sit-ups (20/14)
75 CTB--(red skinny/green band); 965# (98% weight last two rounds--73#). Emilie--good job on your pull ups!!
Forgot the weighted sit ups at the gym so did 75 sit ups at home with 15# DB.
63 reps 1745#
Didn't write my score: 85#, 105#, 115# 120#, 120# #PR from previous 95# clean- 10:00 even
AWESOME WORKOUT! Liked it a lot!!
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