

The last several days have been rough, so today we are going to work out some of that soreness... "Cardio" style. :-)

"5K Everyway"

Accumulate 5,000 meters using the following:

Run - A max of 2,000m may be accumulated by Running
Row - A max of 2,000m may be accumulated by Rowing (1000m in one sitting max)
Bike - A max of 800m (1/2 mile) may be accumulated on the Bike (Bike is only worth 1/2 of what you actually pedal; for example, you would need to Bike 1 mile to get the 800m)
Double Unders - Worth 3 meters each, you may accumulate a max of 1,000m (334 DU's)
Single Unders - Worth 2 meters each, you may accumulate a max of 1,000m (500 Singles)

**35 Minute Cut-off**

*Use any combination of the above movements, for the listed maximum amount of meters for those movements, to accumulate 5,000 meters total distance. You may only accumulate 1,000m on the Row  in a single shot, but you may come back to it again for a max of 2,000m, or any distance combinations you plan out, but no more than 1,000m at a time. Every other movement may be performed for the max allowable distance in one shot.